Our mission to end the abuse and
mistreatment of our canine friends worldwide.

We’re proud to support the Vanderpump Dog Foundation’s quest to end the abuse and mistreatment of dogs. A portion of each order goes to fight inhumane treatment of our canine friends worldwide.
Our mission is to not only aid in ending this international atrocity, but to also better the lives of dogs domestically. The United States faces many problems of its own including dog overpopulation, abuse, neglect and lack of education with regards to spaying and neutering pets. The Foundation is built on a platform of education, legislation, and activism.
One of the major causes of neglect, abuse and mistreatment of dogs worldwide is overpopulation. Due to a lack of education and enforcement about neutering and spaying pets, there is a major surplus of homeless and unwanted animals. Whether this leads to cases of abuse and neglect, or more extreme cases of dogs being readily available to replace food in certain countries around the world, the problem of overpopulation leads to vulnerable animals with no advocates, no one to protect them, and no one to take ownership or responsibility.
The Vanderpump Dog Foundation aims to be the voice for the voiceless. As well as trying to end the abuse and neglect of dogs domestically, our main focus is ending the barbarity and torture of dogs at the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.
To donate or find out more visit www.vanderpumpdogs.org.